Dear Members,
The 2022 SEAOC Convention was as hot as the desert was!
I’d like to congratulate Tim Kaucher and the 2022 SEAOC Convention Committee for an amazing job. The Convention was a great opportunity to reconnect with our community of structural engineers, learn about the latest technical advances, grow the profession through the Pathways program, and have a lot of fun. I’d also like to give a shout out to the SEAOSC President’s Cup team who came together with a W for our MO! A huge thank you to all who contributed to this year’s incredibly successful Convention.
Committee Team:
- Laura Basualdo, Alfred Tran, Jeena Jayamon
Convention Social Functions
- Eric Velazquez, Andrea Aguilar
Young Members
- Leslie Martinez Hernandez
Presidents Cup
Convention App and Registration
Cal Poly Slo Students who helped with Registration as well as whatever was asked of them (including President’s Cup!):
- Morgan Cuthbert
- Sasha Padilla
- Shaina Dickie
- Brayden Martinez
Special Thanks to:
- Kendall Johnson, chair for 2023 and was invaluable in her help with the app/registration software and who had great input throughout our convention
- Jessica Chen & Sikandar Porter-Gill for help with the Pathways Mentoring Roundtable
- Andy Liu, Ashley Gaur, David Pomerleau, Jakub Valigura, Kevin Chang, Nilofar Doorandish, Rahul Sharma, Xiaomi Mitsuhashi for their assistance with the review and rating of the technical abstracts.
We have an exciting lineup of events coming up.
This week, on September 14, join SEAOSC at Brass Bear Brewing in Santa Barbara for the first Structured Connections of the year. You’ll hear from Andrew Stuffler, SEAOSC’s 2021 Building Official of the Year. Andrew will be speaking about the Cal OES Safety Assessment Program lead staff changes, SAP outreach efforts, and the SAP deployment challenges that we should all expect from extreme weather and anticipated major earthquakes in south Santa Barbara County.
I can’t wait for our 2022 Committee Showcase on September 28 at Structural Focus. Come join SEAOSC for a fun evening of mini golf, biergarten, and the Kogi truck while you learn about what our committees are planning for the upcoming year. Each committee will be hosting their own mini golf hole! If you thought last year was fun, this year is looking to be even better.
Congrats again on a great Convention and hope to see you soon!
Warmest Regards,

Patti Harburg - Petrich, S.E.
SEAOSC President 2022-23