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  • Structural Engineering Excellence (SEE) Awards
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  • Structural Engineering Excellence (SEE) Awards

Background: The Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC), is respected as an authoritative leader in the practice of structural and earthquake engineering. SEAOC, through its members, seeks to advance the state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice of structural engineering; provide the public with safe and robust structures; disseminate relevant information and tools to the structural engineering profession for structural analysis and design. The Association strives to educate members in effective business management and serve as a respected and proactive voice in structural code and standard development processes. These lofty goals can only be accomplished through the actions of SEAOC members, usually through project work. Exemplary stewards of the SEAOC vision deserve recognition when exemplifying outstanding engineering.

Program: The Structural Engineering Excellence (SEE) Awards Program is an annual event that celebrates the significant structural engineering achievements of its members. The local and state awards ceremonies are key opportunities for SEAOSC and SEAOC to recognize the successful work of its members.

Call for Entries: California-based design teams are encouraged to submit eligible projects to the Annual SEE Awards Program for consideration. Entrants will submit projects through SEAONC, SEAOSC, SEAOCC or SEAOSD, as appropriate per their regional MO affiliation. MO Awards will be recognized during the annual MO Awards ceremony. Projects receiving an Award of Excellence at their MO ceremony will automatically be entered in the SEAOC SEE awards program and recognized at a ceremony at the annual SEAOC Convention.

Applicants shall submit:

1.  A completed online Application form.
2. Payment of Application fee.
3. Display Board Graphic (*.pdf). High-resolution image that will allow the printing of a 30” tall x 40” wide (landscape orientation) presentation board. The board may include photographs, drawings, graphics, and text as appropriate to summarize and illustrate significant aspects of the project. The Display may be used by the MO and SEAOC juries as part their evaluation.
a. The display should focus on the unique structural engineering aspects of the project, with text and graphics supporting images and presentation techniques that help the observer recognize the importance of the structural engineering in the project success.
b. The following shall be displayed somewhere on the Board:
          • Name of Project
          • The names of the Structural Engineer, Responsible Engineer (if applicable), Architect, Contractor,
          • and Owner/Client. Include additional names receiving recognition as appropriate.
          • The wording “SEAOSC/SEAOC 2025 SEE Awards” displayed prominently.

4. High-resolution Digital Images: Five (5) to twelve (12) high-resolution images (TIFF or JPEG) representing the project must be submitted. These might include images of the completed project, individual features, construction photos highlighting the structural engineering, and engineering drawings.

Entry Information - The rules and regulations for the annual awards program can be obtained by downloading the file listed below.  The awards program announcement letter and entry package files are updated annually, therefore, entries will not be accepted prior to the files being updated for that year's awards program. Award entries shall be submitted by a designated Award Entrant who represents the Firm responsible for the project; and/or the Engineer of Record, the Engineer in Responsible Charge, or Principal Investigator. 

Download: SEAOSC 2025 SEE Entry Packet

Payment Options: SEAOSC SEE Awards Mode of Payments

Please fill out the online Application Form by March 28, 2025.


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10945 Burbank Blvd. 
North Hollywood, CA 91601
Phone: (562) 908-6131
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The Structural Engineers Association of Southern California (SEAOSC) is a professional association with a rich history and a commitment to shaping the future of structural engineering. This legacy continues to affect the field, as SEAOSC remains a dynamic platform for knowledge sharing, professional development, and community engagement.

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