Minye Pak is the Chief of Development Services Case Management of LADBS. She joined SEAOSC to stay connected to a wide network of Structural Engineers and stay up-to-date with the latest developments and issues in the industry. She has worked in both the private and public sectors and believes that being in touch with the leading structural engineering organization with industry leaders is essential to hear various viewpoints, learn about best practices, and receive ongoing training. Minye has been involved in the Women in Structural Engineering (WiSE) Committee for over four years, volunteering on the Symposium planning committee, and also serving as Coordinator for the Mentorship Program. She now wants to branch out and join the Existing Building Committee to bridge policy and implementation of important structural considerations when repurposing existing buildings. Through her involvement with SEAOSC, she has developed many friendships, and also been mentored unofficially by incredible leaders, to whom she is grateful as she continues her journey as a Structural Engineer. She adds, "I look forward to serving on the Board of SEAOSC the next two years, to hear from the SEAOSC community, contribute to safer cities in the SoCal region, and promote the advancement and support of the Structural Engineering profession."
When asked about what excites her the most about the future of the structural engineering industry, Minye highlights the growth in diversity of structural engineers from various backgrounds and stages in their careers. She recalls being asked why she chose to pursue civil engineering in a field dominated by men, "It did not occur to me at the time that this would be the case as I had grown up watching my strong independent working mom who encouraged me to be the same. In my courses at school, early in my career, and even currently in certain meetings, I can't deny that there were some situations in which I was noticeably the only woman in the room."
However, Minye has seen a positive shift in recent years diverse engineers being valued and encouraged to participate in the structural engineering community through SEAOSC and companies across the Southern California region. Minye believes that the wider the net of engineers cast, the larger and stronger the community will grow, and she looks forward to being an active participant in the growth of the structural engineering profession.