Dear Members,
This month is both exciting and bittersweet for me as we wrap up the 2022-2023 SEAOSC year. It has been such an honor and a pleasure to serve as your president. I’m continually impressed with the initiatives and accomplishments achieved by our talented committee members. And I’ve had a great time interacting with you at our events this year: our first annual SoCal Gingerbread Challenge, a raucous Trivia Night, and the always-inspiring Leadership Symposium among many others. Your creativity and drive as structural engineers make our community a better place, and I’m grateful to be a part of this group.
We have some great events coming up before the year comes to a close. I hope to see you tomorrow at our Structural Engineering Excellence and Safer Cities Awards - if you haven’t voted for People’s Choice, there’s still time! Our annual Technical Summit and President’s Lunch will take place on June 22. It’s going to be a fascinating technical program that you won’t want to miss.
Thank you again for the privilege to serve as your president. I’m looking forward to Craig Chamberlain’s leadership in this upcoming year!
To vote for this year's Structural Engineering Excellence: People's Choice Award, please scan the QR code below:

Warmest Regards,

Patti Harburg - Petrich, S.E.
SEAOSC President 2022-23