Dear Members,
Welcome to our 2023-24 year for SEAOSC. I am incredibly excited and humbled to be your President this year. I have spent the past two years on the Executive Committee as Treasurer and President-Elect working with our recent past Presidents, Patti Harburg-Petrich and Kelsey Parolini, as well as our Board of Directors making our association the best we can be! I look forward to working with our new board, Executive Committee, Past Presidents, Committee Chairs and Committee Members, and our overall Membership in continuing to strengthen and expand our Association in 23-24. And we start that right away this week with our Board of Directors kickoff meeting this Thursday and Committee Chair kickoff meeting this Friday!
A big emphasis to kick off this year will be membership engagement. This was a difficult task through the pandemic (as many things were….) but we have worked hard the past several years reconnecting with our membership bringing a variety of events and programs to our diverse membership. And reinvigorating our membership engagement only happens if we are all working together on it. So expect more connections from our Board and committees and I look forward to seeing our membership connecting and getting involved!
So, what events are coming up, you ask?
Well, coming up in just a couple of weeks is our first ever Golf Introduction event at Top Golf in El Segundo. Come out for instructions from a professional golfer and then stay for drinks and appetizers and socialize with your fellow SEAOSC members. This is followed by our annual Golf Tournament which is nearly already sold out except for a few foursomes, some individual spots and sponsorship opportunities. We then move right into August with a movie night showcasing our DEI movie series on August 17th. Then it’s the convention in Maui and our Committee Showcase later in September. Whew!!!!
I always feel as though I say, "I can't believe how fast this year is going by…." and I probably will say that a number of times throughout this year. But it's true. It's July. 2023 is half over. We have had so many interesting programs and events this year and there are so many in front of us!
Lot's going on and lots to do. I hope to see you out there!

Craig Chamberlain, S.E.
SEAOSC President 2023-24