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  • Message From President Garrett Mills, SE: Highland Park Earthquake Response
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  • Message From President Garrett Mills, SE: Highland Park Earthquake Response

Message From President Garrett Mills, SE: Highland Park Earthquake Response

August 13, 2024 2:19 PM | Anonymous

For several years now, SEAOSC has been working on our public messaging following hazard events – an effort that has been picked up by our state partners at SEAOC and our national partners at NCSEA for larger events – but that remains local for smaller events. Yesterday’s 4.4 magnitude earthquake falls below the threshold for triggering our messaging, however, the epicenter being very close to downtown Los Angeles deserved a response. Many of us members and certainly many Angelenos felt the shaking and we thought about how our buildings responded and how they would respond in a much bigger earthquake. SEAOSC issued a statement to local media outlets directing the public to contact their local structural engineer for building evaluations and damage assessments using the Find an Engineer page on our website and directing the media to contact one of our named media relations members for interviews. If you as a member find yourself receiving inquiries from the media for a response from a structural engineer, we would encourage you to send them our way by contacting

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