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  • Earthquake Response: What Structural Engineers Need to Do to Stay Prepared

Earthquake Response: What Structural Engineers Need to Do to Stay Prepared

September 12, 2024 3:49 PM | Anonymous

Recent increases in seismic activity in Southern California remind us all of the importance of earthquake readiness and preparation. As professionals dedicated to safeguarding our communities, it’s crucial for structural engineers to be prepared to respond to our families and communities in the next large event. Here are some key steps to ensure we’re ready to respond:

  • Get certified: Consider enrolling as a Cal OES SAP evaluator or renewing your status if expired. Ensure you have obtained your digital SAP ID via the VEOCI program. SEAOSC will be hosting a SAP evaluator training in October.
  • Educate clients: Remind your clients about the vulnerable building types they may own or work on. Offer informational resources on retrofit opportunities and ordinance measures, such as our SEAOSC Safety Fact Sheet and SEAOC Seismically Vulnerable Building Fact Sheet.
  • Review emergency plans: Review and re-familiarize yourself with your firm’s emergency response plan. If your firm does not have an emergency response plan, now is the time to put one together.
  • Promote preparedness: Join the upcoming Great ShakeOut earthquake drills on Oct 17 and encourage your network to participate.
  • Engage with SEAOSC: SEAOSC has a variety of committees that offer further opportunities to get involved and support your community. View the list and how to join at Not sure which is best for your interest, email us, and we’ll find the right one:
  • Sign up for alerts: Sign up for an Earthquake Early Warning alert system, provided through various sources. Here is one resource that is being used by some of our members:

Let’s stay vigilant and prepared to protect our families and communities.

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Phone: (562) 908-6131
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The Structural Engineers Association of Southern California (SEAOSC) is a professional association with a rich history and a commitment to shaping the future of structural engineering. This legacy continues to affect the field, as SEAOSC remains a dynamic platform for knowledge sharing, professional development, and community engagement.

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