OSHPD CBC 2019 Changes
Presented by: Roy Lobo, PhD, SE, Principal Structural Engineer - OSHPD
OSHPD amendments to the 2019 California Building Standards Code
Presentation will include major OSHPD amendments to the 2019 California Building Standards Code (CBSC) which adopts the 2018 IBC with the referenced standards including ASCE 7-16 with supplement 1 and continuation of existing amendments in the 2016 CBSC.
Topics include:
- Creation of new OSHPD categories OSHPD 1R, 2 and 5 application of which now have to comply with the non “A” chapters of the CBC.
- Major OSHPD amendments to Part 2 Volume 2 of Title 24.
- New definitions and requirements for anchorage and bracing on nonstructural equipment, Fixed, Movable and Mobile.
- New requirements for items exempt from seismic bracing for distribution systems.
- Adoption of the 2018 IEBC and relocation of the requirements in Chapter 34A of the 2016 CBC to Chapters 3A, 4A and 5A of the 2019 CEBC.
- Rational for continuing with the adoption of ASCE 41-13 instead of ASCE 41-17 for seismic compliance evaluation and retrofit of existing hospital buildings.
- New requirements for upgrade triggers for buildings experiencing substantial structural damage from seismic events.
- Amendments to the California Administrative Code. Creation of a new nonstructural performance category NPC 4D.

DSA CBC 2019 Changes
Presented by: Michael Ciortea, SE - Division of the State Architect
2019 CBC DSA Amendments - Structural Safety
DSA amendments in 2019 CBC which were updated from the 2016 edition. The course does not address the amendments by other state agencies (like State Fire Marshall, DSA Accessibility, DHS, Energy) and neither does it discuss at length the amendments which were continued (not changed from 2016). It will specifically address Chapters 16A, 17A, 18A, 19A, 21A, 22A, and 23 of the 2019 CBC, and the requirements for existing buildings (Parts of CEBC Part 10 and CAC Part 1)

ASCE 7 Wind Design Update
Presented by: Anurag Jain, PhD, PE, Vice President - Walker
Overview of the updates to ASCE 7 Wind Design standards with an emphasis on topics affecting California SE’s
This presentation will highlight the changes and additions in the wind load provisions of the 2016 version of the ASCE 7-16 Standard: Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures. This standard was adopted in the 2018 International Building Code and 2019 California Building Code. Keys changes in the wind load provisions will be discussed and limitations to the use of these provisions will be highlighted. California specific topics such as updated wind speed maps and special wind regions will also be discussed.

2019 CBC Steel Changes
Presented by: Jim Malley, SE, Senior Principal - Degenkolb Engineers
Changes to AISC 341 – Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings as Included In 2018 LBC and the 2020 CBC
Presentation will discuss the major new features of the 2016 AISC Seismic Provisions (AISC 314-16), which is included by reference in ASCE 7-16 and therefore the 2018 IBC structural provisions, hopefully assisting in making the transition to this new standard. The latest edition of AISC 341, dated 2016, has been available since 2017. The document has significant technical modifications including new material specifications, use of steel braced diaphragms, new column splice details, requirements for SCBF gusset plate welds, and application of demands on columns that participate in intersecting frames. In addition, discussion of significant new provisions related to the seismic design of multi-tier braced frames will be provided. A new composite shear wall system has also been developed. Some high-level discussion of changes to AISC 360 “Specification for Structural Steel Buildings” will also be presented, as will any California specific changes that are included in the 2020 California Building Code.

CFS CBC Changes
Presented by: Jeff Ellis, SE, Director of Codes & Compliance - Simpson Strong-Tie
2019 CBC Changes to Cold-Formed Steel Design
Changes to the 2019 CBC for cold-formed steel design include a reorganization of the AISI specification and consolidation of most of the AISI framing standards into two standards. These changes are to improve understanding, use, and development as well as for better harmony between the AISI and AISC provisions. Additionally, there are some significant technical changes for the design of cold-formed steel. This presentation will discuss the reorganization and technical changes so the attendee’s may update their CFS design and detailing practices accordingly.
Empowerment Through Financial Health and Well-Being
Presented by: Steve Felsen, MBA, Financial Professional and Educator - AXA Advisors, LLC
15 Financial Myths Demystified
This seminar serves to dispel 15 of the most common misconceptions people have about general finance and planning. It also includes guidance on the strategies that can help people protect, and potentially enhance, their assets. Each myth will be presented along with its corresponding truth or reality.
Financial Strategies 101 – Dollars and Sense
This seminar explains the advantages of smart financial management. The seminar reviews five financial management components and how to get started:
• Cash Management
• Risk Management
• Estate Planning
• Investment Strategies
• Tax Reduction Strategies and Retirement Programs

Training, Technology, and Talent- Focusing Internally to Advance External Business Development
Presented by: Kristin Killgore, SE, Senior Structural Engineer - FSB Architects and Architects
We will explore FSB culture, programs, and technology to develop talent. We will discuss implementation and results to inform attendees and equip them with ideas to bring back to their firms. Topics covered will include: 3D Printing, VR Capabilities, FSB Associates Group, FSB YP Group, Leadership FSB, Continuous Learning Program, and FSB Mentor Program.

Inequalities within the SE profession: Practical Strategies to Improve Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace
Presented by: Maryanne Wachter, SE, Senior Structural Engineer - BurroHappold Engineering
The most recent NCSEA Structural Engineering Engagement and Equity (SE3) Survey highlighted several findings related to equity in our profession. The study found inequalities in the career experiences of women and other underrepresented minorities. Women and other minorities are paid less relative to their peers, less likely to seek leadership positions, and more likely to consider leaving the profession. They are also more likely to experience harassment in both office environments and construction settings. This session review the main inequalities uncovered by the 2018 SE3 survey, and will focus on strategies to improve diversity and inclusion in your workplace.

2020 and Beyond: A Legislative and Policy Discussion
Presented by: John Bwarie, Stratiscope
SEAOSC is actively building a relationship with our local policy makers. Learn about the legislative process, our programs, and how to get involved. Let's make a difference!
