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  • June 05, 2023 5:38 PM | Anonymous

    Dear Members,

    This month is both exciting and bittersweet for me as we wrap up the 2022-2023 SEAOSC year. It has been such an honor and a pleasure to serve as your president. I’m continually impressed with the initiatives and accomplishments achieved by our talented committee members. And I’ve had a great time interacting with you at our events this year: our first annual SoCal Gingerbread Challenge, a raucous Trivia Night, and the always-inspiring Leadership Symposium among many others. Your creativity and drive as structural engineers make our community a better place, and I’m grateful to be a part of this group.

    We have some great events coming up before the year comes to a close. I hope to see you tomorrow at our Structural Engineering Excellence and Safer Cities Awards - if you haven’t voted for People’s Choice, there’s still time! Our annual Technical Summit and President’s Lunch will take place on June 22. It’s going to be a fascinating technical program that you won’t want to miss.

    Thank you again for the privilege to serve as your president. I’m looking forward to Craig Chamberlain’s leadership in this upcoming year!

    To vote for this year's Structural Engineering Excellence: People's Choice Award, please scan the QR code below:

    Warmest Regards,

    Patti Harburg - Petrich, S.E.
    SEAOSC President 2022-23

  • June 02, 2023 7:36 PM | Anonymous

    Minye Pak is the Chief of Development Services Case Management of LADBS. She joined SEAOSC to stay connected to a wide network of Structural Engineers and stay up-to-date with the latest developments and issues in the industry. She has worked in both the private and public sectors and believes that being in touch with the leading structural engineering organization with industry leaders is essential to hear various viewpoints, learn about best practices, and receive ongoing training. Minye has been involved in the Women in Structural Engineering (WiSE) Committee for over four years, volunteering on the Symposium planning committee, and also serving as Coordinator for the Mentorship Program. She now wants to branch out and join the Existing Building Committee to bridge policy and implementation of important structural considerations when repurposing existing buildings. Through her involvement with SEAOSC, she has developed many friendships, and also been mentored unofficially by incredible leaders, to whom she is grateful as she continues her journey as a Structural Engineer. She adds, "I look forward to serving on the Board of SEAOSC the next two years, to hear from the SEAOSC community, contribute to safer cities in the SoCal region, and promote the advancement and support of the Structural Engineering profession."

    When asked about what excites her the most about the future of the structural engineering industry, Minye highlights the growth in diversity of structural engineers from various backgrounds and stages in their careers. She recalls being asked why she chose to pursue civil engineering in a field dominated by men, "It did not occur to me at the time that this would be the case as I had grown up watching my strong independent working mom who encouraged me to be the same. In my courses at school, early in my career, and even currently in certain meetings, I can't deny that there were some situations in which I was noticeably the only woman in the room."

    However, Minye has seen a positive shift in recent years diverse engineers being valued and encouraged to participate in the structural engineering community through SEAOSC and companies across the Southern California region. Minye believes that the wider the net of engineers cast, the larger and stronger the community will grow, and she looks forward to being an active participant in the growth of the structural engineering profession.

  • May 30, 2023 8:41 PM | Anonymous

    May is Jewish American Heritage Month. The SEAOSC D&I Committee, along with, The State of California, The Library of Congress, and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of Jewish Americans who helped form the fabric of American history, culture and society.

    “This month, we celebrate the enduring heritage of Jewish Americans, whose values, culture, and contributions have shaped the character of our Nation. For generations, the story of the Jewish people — one of resilience, faith, and hope in the face of adversity, prejudice and persecution — has been woven into the fabric of our Nation’s story. It has driven us forward in our ongoing march for justice, equality, and freedom as we recommit to upholding the principles of our Nation’s founding and realizing the promise of America for all Americans.” – Joseph R. Biden Jr.

    In particular, we wish to highlight and celebrate the work of a Jewish American who contributed much to the architecture and engineering community. Dankmar Adler (July 3, 1844 – April 16, 1900), a German-born American architect and civil engineer. He is best known for his fifteen-year partnership with Louis Sullivan, during which they designed influential skyscrapers that boldly addressed their steel skeleton through their exterior design: the Wainwright Building in St. Louis, Missouri (1891), the Chicago Stock Exchange Building (1894), and the Guaranty Building in Buffalo, New York (1896).

    For the complete version of President Biden’s Proclamation, please visit, A Proclamation on Jewish American Heritage Month, 2023. Additionally, for Governor Gavin Newsom’s Proclamation, please visit, Governor Newsom Proclaims Jewish American Heritage Month | California Governor.

    For more information, visit

  • May 25, 2023 7:19 PM | Anonymous

    Jamie Garza is 2022-23 SEAOSC Communications Committee's co-chair and currently a principal at The Design Collaborative. As an incoming SEAOSC board member, Jamie is most excited about the challenge to get our industry to design and build ecologically appropriate buildings that are part of the solution to address the climate crisis. "I believe this is going to require structural engineers to do what they do best: figure out the puzzle of ecologically appropriate structural materials, ecological development, and reducing the environmental impact of construction."

    For future generations of structural engineers, Jamie's advice is to remain true to themselves and their passion for structural engineering. Jamie encourages young structural engineers not to shy away from challenging the status quo and proposing innovative solutions that are resilient and ecologically forward. She also emphasizes the importance of advocating for diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Additionally, Jamie urges future generations of structural engineers to be allies for women and LGBTQIA+ visibility, parity in leadership positions, and company ownership.

    Jamie's vision for the future of the structural engineering industry is one of sustainability and inclusivity. By staying true to their ideals and actively working to address the challenges of climate change, structural engineers can make a significant contribution to a more equitable and sustainable future.

    We are thrilled to have Jamie join the 2023-25 SEAOSC board!

  • May 22, 2023 8:30 PM | Anonymous

    Manny Morden (April 9, 1933- May 22, 2023)

    After twelve days in hospice, Manny (Manuel) Morden passed away from stage IV pancreatic cancer at home on May 22, 2023. He was surrounded with love by his adoring family and the love of his life, wife Suzanne.

    Born in Brooklyn, Manny moved with his parents to Los Angeles at the age of 8 to Boyle Heights. At 16, he became friends with Suzanne Sarah Szwarc, who would become his wife and lifelong love for 70 years. Even in his final days, he kissed Suzanne’s hand and told her how much he loved her. Together, they were fabulous parents to Darryl (deceased) and Barbara (Seals), Ilyanne and Mike (Kichaven) , and amazing grandparents to their three grandsons Gregory, Jeremy and Declan.

    Manny was a brilliant, award winning, expert with over fifty two years of structural engineering experience with Brandow & Johnston as a Structural Designer, Licensed Civil and Structural Engineer, Department Manager and Project Supervisor. He became a Principal, and was responsible for management and supervision of all phases of project development, construction administration, structural design and system selection and seismic design of major projects. Areas of expertise included: building evaluations, peer reviews, forensic engineering, consultation and expert witness services for litigation, earthquake studies, and retrofit strengthening; pre-stressed concrete design development and review for all company projects; development of alternative structural systems; specifications for construction material. Manny served as President (1997-1998), board member, and as chair of the code committee for SEAOSC. In 2009, Manny was commended by proclamation by LA Mayor Garcetti and the entire LA City Council for his 50 + years of service to the profession, the City of Los Angeles and Southern California. He received a Certificate of Recognition for 52 years of Service to the engineering profession and the State of California from and was an Honorary Lifetime Membership, of SEAOC & SEAOSC. In 2014, Manny was awarded for his outstanding achievement by the California Preservation Foundation for his work on the renovation of The Forum. Manny served as a key member of the1994 Northridge Earthquake Taskforce and consulted on a 9/11 structural commission. His countless projects include the Rose Bowl, Kaiser Hospital, Bradley Terminal at LAX, Universal studios (CA and Florida), the NASA space shuttle, Sheraton Hotel (Qatar) USC, First AME Church, The Convention Center, 400 South Hope, numerous parking structures and the soon to be opened MSG Sphere in Las Vegas. He mentored many by not just giving directions, but by teaching and explaining to educate and enrich his peers.

    Manny enjoyed travel and, together with Suzanne, visited all over North and South America, Israel, Japan, China and extensively in Europe. His favorite city was Paris. A lover of superb wine and fine cuisine, family was most important to Manny. His unwavering support and love will always be remembered. He never missed a game, recital, talent show or event for his children or grandsons. He answered every call for assistance and insisted on family celebrations.

    Manny got dressed himself, walked and had a long conversation with doctor when he was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer on May 9th. His health drastically, declined and within two days was in hospice, until he passed ten days later. He will always be in our hearts. Manny is survived by his loving wife Suzanne, daughter Ilyanne, son-in-law Michael, grandsons, Gregory, Jeremy, and Declan and daughter-in-law Barbara. His son Darryl passed away from cancer in 2011.

    If you wish, in lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to weSPARK ( in Manny’s memory.

    (The above is provided by Manny Morden's family)

  • May 19, 2023 8:30 PM | Anonymous

    Jillian van Enckevort's structural engineering journey began when she was a young girl accompanying her father, a general contractor, to his work sites. Her exposure to the construction industry at an early age ignited a spark within her, and she found herself drawn to the structural aspect of building design. She pursued this interest in college, initially starting as an architecture major. However, by her second year at Cal Poly SLO, she was more interested in the “bones” of a building versus the finishes and was drawn to buildings with exposed structures. She ended up switching majors in her third year, and she hasn’t looked back since, remaining active in structural engineering and in the San Luis Obispo community.

    It was during her time working with Fred Schott that Jillian first joined SEAOSC. Over the years, Jillian attended the Tri-Counties events and technical sessions in Los Angeles, appreciating not only the technical aspects of the events but also the opportunity to meet and network with other engineers. Jillian's involvement with SEAOSC was temporarily put on hold when she became a mother, but she has since returned to the organization with renewed enthusiasm. "Our culture at FTF Engineering really pushes for staff to be involved in the structural engineering community, and I am excited about stepping up to the next level of involvement in the coming years as part of the Board of Directors as well as representing the tri-county community," she elaborated.

    Jillian will be bringing valuable insights, ideas, and direction to the SEAOSC board, helping guide our organization into the future. We are so excited to welcome Jillian on board!

  • May 15, 2023 8:46 PM | Anonymous

    Araceli Abanilla's path into the SE industry started with a BS in Civil Engineering from UC Irvine. Her first job after college was working at a civil and water resources company. She realized it was not for her and went back to grad school to get her Master's in Structural Engineering at UCSD. Her first job after grad school was working for a small company that did bridge design engineering. After that, she worked for firms that specialize in structural consulting, structural anti-terrorist force protection design, and transit and rail consulting. She currently works in the structures team at STV, Inc. and supports the transit and rail industry in their building and facilities department.

    Araceli initially joined SEAOSC after a friend encouraged all the female engineers in her office to join SEAOSC's Women in Structural Engineering committee. It was through her activities in the WiSE committee that she became more active in SEAOSC in general. Araceli has continued since then to be a member of SEAOSC because she has gotten a lot out of being part of this community, and she has learned a lot through the webinars, dinner events, and other activities.

    What excites Araceli most about the future of the Structural Engineering industry are the advancements in technology and fascinating research happening now that the future SEs are working on in universities and other organizations including the tools that are being used now and are developing for future widespread uses such as A.I., structural health monitoring, or full-scale 3D printing - all are expected to help problem-solve and optimize designs and processes.

    For future generations of Structural Engineers, Araceli sees the varied approach to the profession: "There are may different types of work and roles within the Structural Engineering industry. Follow your passion and get to know your professional peers. Being part of your engineering community not only helps you make informed career and work decisions, the engineering community benefits from having a wide variety of view points and experiences. Find mentors, whether its through an organized program, like the SEAOSC Mentorship Program, or an informal mentor who you can talk to for advice and guidance. These things can really help you tailor your career to be what you want it to be."

    Araceli values the community of peers outside of her organization with various roles such as engineers, researchers, educators, etc. that come together through SEAOSC. There are so many things she has learned through the SEAOSC community that have helped her within her own organization.

    Araceli's appointment to the SEAOSC board brings with it a wealth of valuable insights, ideas, and direction, which will be instrumental in guiding our organization towards a successful future. We are thrilled to have Araceli join the SEAOSC board for the 2023-25 term!

  • April 28, 2023 6:48 PM | Anonymous

    Dear Members,

    Today I’m reflecting on the fantastic Leadership Symposium that was held last week. It was wonderful to see such a diverse cross section of our membership at the Symposium, which was curated by the WiSE Committee. One of the highlights for me was hearing from Susan Kutner Rozakis, Senior Director of Workplace Design + Delivery at Google. Susan shared her journey from her first job in high school at McDonalds to her current position at Google and how her experiences along the way led to a diverse, interesting, and successful career.

    Susan is someone who followed her interest and passion for construction at a time where very few women were in the field. In the face of this, she found mentors and allies to support her, and she now serves as a mentor and ally for others. This resonates with me – I think we all need allies, and we also need to be an ally for our coworkers and colleagues. We have a diverse and talented membership at SEAOSC. Listening to different voices and perspectives leads to better solutions and outcomes. Together we can have a strong voice and we can make meaningful change in our communities – like Susan has. Our diversity is our strength, and it was inspiring to see this in action at the Leadership Symposium.

    Warmest Regards,

    Patti Harburg - Petrich, S.E.
    SEAOSC President 2022-23

  • March 31, 2023 6:10 PM | Anonymous

    Dear Members,

    This month I’d like to share some of the initiatives that have been going on behind the scenes in response to the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Although this disaster has faded from the news, we know that the recovery will take years and I want to assure you that seismic safety is in the forefront of mind for the SEAOSC Board.

    First, SEAOSC has not yet been contacted to help with the recovery response in Turkey and Syria. I do know that some structural engineers from Southern California were deployed, but this was through a search and rescue organization. We are prepared and able to help if such a request comes through.

    The SEAOSC Board immediately reached out to our local officials and representatives, including the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass’s office, and to the Los Angeles City Council. These earthquakes serve as a wake-up call to our community. In addition to the seismic retrofit ordinances that have already been enacted, there are actions our community leaders can take to further improve the safety and resiliency of our building stock and infrastructure. We are now meeting with a number of local leaders to offer our help and advice as structural engineers. If you are interested in becoming involved in future efforts, I encourage you to get involved with the Existing Buildings Committee, the Seismology & Hazards Committee, the Codes & Standards Committee, or the Legislative Action Committee ( We will be asking for volunteers from these committees to participate.

    SEAOSC representatives also met with our technical experts and colleagues to discuss potential action and ensure a unified message. The group was formed quickly and included representatives from SEAOSC, SEAONC, SEAOC, EERI, and the Dr. Lucy Jones Center for Science and Society. We knew that we needed to act quickly while we had the attention of our local leaders. SEAOC and EERI had already been working together on the EERI-SEAOC Joint Policy Agenda: Legislative Actions Needed to Reduce California’s Earthquake Risk, and this was published on February 23, 2023:

    This agenda outlines three main points:

    1. First, we must identify and retrofit our existing vulnerable buildings.
    2. Second, we must uphold existing laws that require our healthcare facilities to be earthquake-ready. 
    3. Finally, we must adopt building codes that help our communities recover.

    I’ll close with an excerpt from the EERI-SEAOC Joint Policy Agenda:

    “Future large earthquakes will occur in California. How we prepare now will impact how we respond and recover later. Our communities are vulnerable to building collapses, loss of life, and permanent disruption to the way of life. California has led the world in creating a safer built environment by learning from losses over the last century. But we must take the lead again by retrofitting older vulnerable buildings and adopting a new generation of building codes that preserve our communities, our economy, and our future before the next major earthquake strikes.”

    As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or comments.

    Warmest Regards,

    Patti Harburg - Petrich, S.E.
    SEAOSC President 2022-23

  • March 20, 2023 6:11 PM | Anonymous

    On Wednesday, March 15, the Structural Engineers Association of Southern California (SEAOSC) hosted Emerging Engineers Night at Luminarias Restaurant in Monterey Park. More than 100 people were in attendance at the annual event, sponsored by Computers and Structures, Inc. (CSI)

    The event renewed SEAOSC’s commitment to the next generation of structural engineers, spotlighting the SEAOSC Foundation Scholarships and the SEAOSC mentoring programs.

    The evening started with traditional networking and reconnecting of many members and guests prior to the official start of the event. 

    The formal program was kicked off with the scholarship portion of the evening complete with a video reel interview with each of the 13 SEAOSC Foundation scholarship recipients. Kevin O’Connell, president of the SEAOSC Foundation,  then presented checks to this year’s recipients, who represented such local universities as: Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cal Poly Pomona, California State University Northridge, California State University Los Angeles, California State University Long Beach, Loyola Marymount University, USC, UCLA and UC Irvine. A special thanks to the SEAOSC Young Members Committee for promoting and organizing this year’s scholarship program with the SEAOSC Foundation.

    Dinner was followed by keynote speaker Dana Taylor Old, a Communication Coach and Trainer, which was sponsored by the National Council of Structural Engineers Association (NCSEA). Key takeaways from the presentation were speaking with intention and the importance of choosing your tone prior to beginning a conversation. She also firmly stressed how it is important to listen to understand rather than listen to respond in being more collaborative. Her presentation was truly interactive with everyone practicing techniques in pairs, volunteers demonstrating tone from the stage, and even a worksheet that allowed attendees to apply what they learned as soon as the next component of the evening!

    The evening concluded with the pairing of emerging engineers with a mentor who was an established engineer. This program allows students, recent graduates, and working engineers seeking to develop professionally to pair up with a mentor who will guide them through their careers and through the world of structural engineering. 

    SEAOSC thanks this year’s event sponsors for their generosity, especially CSI, and to those volunteer members for making this event a success and supporting the next generation of Structural Engineers.

    See all event photos here.

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The Structural Engineers Association of Southern California (SEAOSC) is a professional association with a rich history and a commitment to shaping the future of structural engineering. This legacy continues to affect the field, as SEAOSC remains a dynamic platform for knowledge sharing, professional development, and community engagement.

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